It’s been a really long time since we’ve heard about Tom Cruise having a serious romantic relationship, at least as far as we, the regular people, know….

A letter to my mother who passed away

Losing a mother is an immense void; their memories and feelings always remain with us. The saying, “you don’t know what you have, till it’s gone,” rings…

From Pancakes to Politics: The Story of the ‘Real’ Aunt Jemima

If you grew up in North America, you are probably quite familiar with the brand Aunt Jemima. Whether you grew up eating pancakes made from their mixes,…

Dad performs a life-saving transplant on his daughter to save her.

Due to a rare condition termed polycystic kidney disease (PKD), the son of Karen Rhodes and Paul Rybkin only had 36 hours to live. Cysts that develop…

24-year-old Bulgarian woman wants to have the biggest lips in the world

Everyone is beautiful in their unique way – and everyone being different is what makes the world such a colorful and amazing place. However, a big part…

10 Major Retail Stores Take A Stand To Say “Merry Christmas” Instead Of Happy Holidays

Many more stores are grasping the concept of hanging Christmas decorations right after Thanksgiving, getting right into the season of jingles. There was a time where the…

Nativity Display Lights up Times Square in NYC

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints illuminated New York City’s Times Square with a Nativity display on November 27 as part of its annual Light…

The old hotel that never was a hotel

Introduction: The Cushing Hotel, located in the center of Afton, Minnesota, is a reminder of the town’s colorful and rich past. Since its founding in 1867, this…

A plumber fixed the boiler of a 91-year-old ill woman and billed her $0

The compassionate plumber, named Mike, had learned about the elderly woman’s situation through a local community group. Touched by her circumstances, he decided to offer his services…

Ninety percent I’m not sure what this is… Please Share If You Know

This one stands out because my mother was a journalist. Writer of type. They were breathtaking. I remember sitting on my mother’s lap as she typed. The…